Step By Step Automatic Backup MySql Database With Windows Scheduler

Automatic Backup MySql Database

If you are a software developer, you may be familiar with MySQL database, and of course you also have heard about SQLyog. SQLyog is a software package that serves a purpose similar as MySQL Graphic User Interfaces (GUI) Tools.

Since the first known MySQL database I've been using SQLyog. It is a tool that is very simple and user friendly for database management tasks. That tools allowing You to edit or extract data from any MySQL database, also includes a window which allows you to enter text queries.

One of the tools contained in SQLyog is a backup/export database, and You can backup the database as  sql dump manually or automatically with a specific period. This time I will present a step-by-step on how to setup automatic backup MySQL database using the tools of the SQLyog combined with windows scheduler. Here I use SQLyog 8.12 Enterprise and here are the steps:
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